Emotional literacy helps your emotions work for you instead of against you. Improving relationships, creating loving possibilities between people, making cooperative work possible, and facilitating the feeling of community.

People often fear that deep and painful secrets will be unleashed if they reveal their feelings. Most often, people think that emotional literacy training will lead to a loss of control and power in their personal and business lives. Emotions exist as an essential part of human nature. When we are cut away from them, we lose a fundamental part of our human capacity. By acknowledging and managing our feelings and by listening and responding to the emotions of others, we enhance our personal power.

The difference between emotional intelligence and emotional literacy. Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence has twenty index entries related to anger and only three index entries on love (all in Chapter 1). Although we appreciate the importance of love, it’s an emotion rarely explored in great depth. Emotional literacy is Heart-Centred and consists of the following pillars -

  1. Knowing your own feelings

  2. Having a heartfelt sense of empathy

  3. learning to manage our emotions

  4. repairing emotional damage

  5. putting all together (emotional interactivity)

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Emotional literacy is about learning to understand, manage and control emotions.  Being emotionally literate means that you know what emotions you and others have, how strong they are, and what causes them; it means that you know how to manage your emotions, because you best understand them.

The emotional literacy offering is for:

  • Teachers who want to improve state management and communicate effectively to students with varying needs.

  • Young people who want to explore their emotions and break destructive patterns.

  • Athletes who seek to improve performance both in and out of activity

  • Corporations that want to enhance their wellbeing at work service. 


Therapy can be too intense for those who are not used to intimate settings, too long for those who seek short term change and too ambiguous for those who seek to understand.

Emotional literacy puts you in a powered position of knowing. More than progressing past a problem in the present, you develop an intellectual heart, empowering you for when you experience future challenges in life.

With emotional literacy training, you will learn how to:

  • Become more aware of the texture, flavour and aftertaste of your emotions.

  • Express your feelings, when and where to express them, and how they affect others. 

  • Let your rational thinking skills work hand-in-hand with your emotional skills, adding to your ability to relate to other people. Hence, you will become better at everything you do with others: parenting, working, playing, teaching and loving.

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Emotional literacy can literally change the world!

To be emotionally literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that improves your personal power, the quality of your life and – equally importantly – the quality of life of the people around you.


Sessions are delivered in the form of - 

  • One to one sessions

  • One-off workshops

  • Professional development

  • PSHE/SMSC school classes

Engagement is a key part of the offering. To maintain curiosity and interest, sessions activate a host of senses, creating an embodied experience using activities, debates, role play, the arts and more! 


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