Wellbeing at Work: Why It Matters and What You Can Do About It

In today's fast-paced and increasingly competitive world, the importance of wellbeing at work cannot be overstated. A happy, healthy, and motivated workforce is essential for success, both in terms of individual productivity and overall organizational performance. Unfortunately, however, many employees experience high levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout on a daily basis, putting their wellbeing at risk.

Mental Health in Football: A Growing Concern

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. From amateur to professional levels, the sport is enjoyed by millions of people of all ages and backgrounds. However, despite its popularity, the sport has come under increased scrutiny in recent years with regards to the impact it has on the mental health of players.

What is Emotional Literacy?

Emotional literacy refers to the ability to understand, recognize, express, and manage one's emotions, as well as to understand and empathize with the emotions of others. It is an important life skill that helps individuals build stronger relationships, communicate effectively, and lead a fulfilling life.

The internal legacy of the windrush

What impact does this have on the family? I began to reflect on the conversations I’ve heard at social events, and families like mine, that have moved to England from the Carribean, since the Windrush and suffer from a similar legacy. Brining more value to the importance of the Windrush story being told.

Coronavirus Mental Health Remedy For Young People

Corona Virus has seen a spike in anxiety among young people. They are falling victim to exaggerated playground gossip, due to not having any facts to squash the rumours with. Parents and adults that work with young people can prevent this from happening using this guided discussion.

A World of Strangers to Anger

How a lack of emotional literacy affects the world. This blog uses anger as the example emotion, to highlight how the positives and the negatives of our experiences are rooted in our emotions. The same goes for the world as a collective global community.

Heroes and Villains

The Joker was released at a great time (just before World Mental Health Day). With the Joker having mental health problems, the film highlighted the lack of support and resources for mental health services, and social exclusion towards the mentally ill through the Joker’s story.